The Léonard de Vinci Group
The Léonard de Vinci Group in Paris is composed of three schools: EMLV (Business School), ESILV (Engineering School) and IIM (School of Web Design and Multimedia).
Whether you are thinking of combining two degrees or taking part in a joint student project or a business incubator, Léonard de Vinci will provide you with the resources, staff support and field expertise you need.
The Pole Universitaire Léonard de Vinci encourages interdisciplinary collaboration between departments and is based around values of multiculturalism, innovation and good sportsmanship.
Located in the main European business district, our schools are close to major national and international companies. They collaborate practically with the corporate world in order to provide employers worldwide with highly skilled and culturally adaptable graduates. High-level research and original teaching methods based on hybrid courses, project-based learning and flipped classrooms develop a large set of hard and soft skills. Students work in up-to-date facilities and benefit from collaborative and creative amenities such as the Learning Center, the FabLab for technical innovation, or the interdisciplinary Incubator for instance.
On your first day with us, you will be welcomed at the airport by the International Relations Department to help you settle in Paris. You’ll be supported by administrative and academic staff to make sure that have an exceptional learning experience in Paris right from the start.
Member of “Conference Des Grande Ecole, Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur”, AACSB and AMBA
EESPIG, Campus France and United Nations Global Compact
We are based in the one the biggest business districts of the Europe- La Défense
Europe’s first and largest business district.
70 major French and foreign companies have since installed their headquarters in La Défense- Arcelormittal, Areva, Aventis, Axa, Fiat, Société générale, Thalès, EDF, Gan, Neuf Cegetel, Orano and Total
For counseling & applications, please connect with us at 9654223759 or